JQYA Academic Calendar 2024
Registration required. Please contact the JQYA office if you would like to attend.
Amplitude, Phase and Entanglement in Strong Field Ionization
27.11.2024, 4:15 pm, Goethe Uni, Campus Riedberg
Physics Lecture Hall _0.111
Inaugural lecture by JQYA Member Sebastian Eckart
Lecture Series
Academic Dialogues at the Societas Scientiarum Francofurtensis
Wintersemeter 24/25, Goethe University
Organized by Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Frankfurt
Past Events
Selective Solidarities
4.-15.11.2024, Goethe University, Normative Orders Building
Organized by JQYA Member Greta Wagner
Study Day
Fusion of Science
08.11.2024, 10:30am – 5pm, Goethe Uni, Campus Riedberg
Biocenter N101, Room 1.16
Organized by JQYA Members Elena Bykova, Maxim Bykov, Eric Helfrich and Sebastian Eckart
Desiring God: The Erotic and the Divine in 20th-Century Thought
09.-12.09.2024, KU Leuven
Co-organised by JQYA Fellow Caroline Sauter
Study Day
The Complexity of the Polycrisis
Organized by JQYA Fellow Tobias Wille
Guests: Gordon M. Friedrichs and Natalie Rauscher (HAdW)
5, July, 10am – 2pm, Goethe Uni, Campus Westend, Normative Orders building
Study Day
ECB – Roles, Responsibilities & Art
Organised by JQYA Fellows Sophie Nolden and Caroline Sauter
1. July, 9am – 1:30pm, ECB building
Tandem Workshop
Kerne des Granatapfels
06.06.2024, Forschungskolleg Bad Homburg
Organised by JQYA Fellow Caroline Sauter and JQYA Alumna Susanne Fehlings
Study Day
A(l)g(a)e Transitions
Organised by JQYA Fellow Laura Otto and JQYA Member Anna Wanka
17. May, 2-4pm, Goethe Uni, Campus Westend, PA building, room P.22
Academy Day
JQYA Academy Day – Internal Symposium & Award Ceremony
19.04., 10 am – 5 pm, Senckenberg
Further information: JQYA Academy Day 2024
JQYA Kick-off Meeting
Introduction of new Fellows and Members
18.03., 4 – 6 pm, online
Study Day
Frobenius Collection (rock art archive)
05.12.2023, Goethe University Frankfurt, Campus Westend, IG Farben Building
Organised by JQYA Fellow Susanne Fehlings
Lecture Series
Künstliche Intelligenz in den Wissenschaften: Fluch oder Segen?
Winter Semeter 23/24, Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, Max-Horkheimer-Straße 2, Normative Orders EG.01, and online
Organised by Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft Frankfurt
Toward a Multifaced History of Architecture and Internationalism
16.-17.11.2023, The University of Exeter
Co-organised by JQYA Associated Fellow Sara Honarmand Ebrahimi with participation of JQYA Fellow Daniela Ortiz dos Santos
JQYA Academy School with the Young Academy for Sustainability Research (YAS)
10.-12.10.2023, FRIAS
Registration required. Please contact the JQYA office if you would like to attend.
Internal Workshop
Defining the New Academy Topic
30.08.2023, 9-10 am, online
15.09.2023, 8-11 am at Senckenberg
Rhetoric, body language, and presentation
23.-24.08.2023, Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend, Seminarhaus, SH 0.106
Intensive Training for JQYA Fellows by Tillman Billing
Registration required. Please contact the JQYA office if you would like to attend.
Pars pro toto. Per Los im Bürgerrat
29.06.2023, Christoph Käppeler and Chrisitina Sianides (HR Info) interviewing JQYA Fellow Rikki Dean
Flowers, pollinators and interactions
14.05.2023, Wissenschaftsgarten on Riedberg Campus
Educational workshop as part of the Goethe University spring festival
Translation: Experiments
11.-12.05.2023, Goethe-Uni, Campus Westend
Organisation: JQYA Fellow Caroline Sauter & Associated Fellow Marília Jöhnk
Study Day
JQYA Kick-off Meeting
Introduction of new Fellows and Members
31.03.2023, 9 am, online
Climate assemblies
28.03.2023, SwissInfo interviewing JQYA Fellow Rikki Dean